Trump economy encounters long-term catastrophe as jobs data emerges

The swaying economic pain — might be one of the trounce since the 1930s — of the American economy in the time of the Corona Virus pandemic will be graphically intensified in two new rounds of unemployment data that are due on Thursday and Friday.

“The figures will show Americans who have and will lose their livelihoods as common victims of the most cruel public health crisis in 100 years, along with the sick and the more than 73,000 people who have so far died.”

The anticipation of an extended economic hovel will have vital implications in politics. It is already threatening to humidify memories of the roaring economy that President Donald Trump was banking on to carry him to a second term.

“It may also provide an opening to presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden who helped bring the country back from the last economic crisis in the Obama administration.”

The coming reality that the “rocket” like glance the President foretell is unlikely may be behind Trump’s drastically frantic statements on a emergency he has also declared will soon be over.

“We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country,” he said on Wednesday. For weeks early this year, Trump was in denial and painted the threat from the virus as tiny.

“This is really the worst attack we’ve ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center,” Trump said Wednesday.

Trump also called on schools to resume and cut off a nurse visiting the Oval Office who observed that personal preventive equipment had been “sporadic” in hospitals.


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