Gambia Government Moves to Privatize Gamtel and Sell Gamcel to Boost Communication Sector

The Gambia is making some big moves in its communication and digital sector! Minister Ousman O. Bah announced that the government has given the green light to privatize Gamtel and sell Gamcel outright.

During a session with lawmakers, Minister Bah explained that the decision came after realizing the financial strain these two national assets were facing. With debts piling up, it’s become clear that the government alone can’t keep them afloat.

Gamcel, for instance, is drowning in over D14 million in debt and isn’t contributing much to the state. Minister Bah pointed out various reasons for the revenue decline, like outdated technology and bloated staff.

To turn things around, the government plans to transfer Gamtel’s fiber assets to a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). This move is backed by studies showing Gamtel’s financial woes and the need for restructuring to boost revenue.

While the government has supported Gamtel in the past with infrastructure projects, it’s time to bring in private partners to inject fresh investment and expertise. With these changes, Minister Bah is optimistic that both Gamtel and Gamcel can thrive in the digital age.

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