President Barrow Leads by Example in Response to Ferry Incident: A Testament to Governance

In a remarkable display of leadership and dedication to the people’s welfare, President Adama Barrow took a proactive step by personally visiting the site of a stranded ferry incident to assess the situation firsthand.

The incident, which caused distress among passengers stranded on the river, prompted swift action from the Gambian government.


Accompanied by a team of officials and technical experts, President Barrow arrived unannounced at the scene to oversee the ongoing efforts to resolve the issue. Engaging directly with engineers and staff from The Gambia Ports Authority, he expressed genuine concern for the safety of Gambians and stressed the urgency of finding a solution.

During his visit, President Barrow reaffirmed his administration’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the seamless operation of vital transportation services. He emphasized the importance of accountability and efficiency in public service delivery, underscoring the government’s dedication to serving the people.


President Barrow made it clear that safeguarding the welfare of all citizens is a top priority for his administration. He assured swift and decisive action to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, demonstrating a proactive approach to governance.


The President’s hands-on involvement in addressing the ferry incident not only demonstrated his leadership but also provided reassurance to Gambians of his steadfast commitment to their well-being.


As efforts continue to restore normalcy to ferry operations, President Barrow called for unity among citizens in overcoming challenges, emphasizing the collective responsibility to work towards a better future for all.

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