Special Movie Awards Committee with SMA 2017 intern’l winners from Sierra Leone visit to Ambassador Sulaiman Daramy

On the 5th of October 2017, Special Movie Awards Committee with winners from Sierra Leone of the recent held SMA 2017, Lamin Jalloh and Jamieu Sky Bakarr paid a courtesy call visit to the Sierra Leonean Ambassador to The Gambia. Ambassador Sulaiman Daramy gave words of encouragement that despite the lack of support in the movie industry, Film makers and Actors/Actresses should not relent and stay focus, he added that he will support in his own way at any given possible time. He commends The Special Movie Awards team to continue the good work in bridging the gap between film makers within the African Sub Regions. The Ambassador was presented a “PATRON” Award Certificate for SMA 2017. Below are few pictures: