ECOWAS hasn’t declared war on Niger, citizens – Omar Touray

The President, Economic Community of  West African States Commission, Omar Touray, has said the sub-regional body has not declared war on the people of Niger Republic nor is there any plan to invade the country.

Touray said this on Friday at a press conference on developments in Niger and ECOWAS Member States in transition at the Commission’s headquarters in Abuja.

Leaders in the Economic Community of West African States Commission bloc said that they would keep all options on the table for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and ordered the activation of an ECOWAS standby force to restore constitutional order in Niger.

President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted July 26 in a military coup led by the former commander of Niger’s presidential guard, Abdourahamane Tchiani.

Former colonial ruler France and the European Union suspended security cooperation and financial aid to Niger following the coup, while the United States warned that its aid could also be at stake.

Britain had condemned attempts to undermine democracy, peace and stability in Niger and said it stands by ECOWAS in their efforts to restore stability in Niger.

Buttressing his point, Touray stated that there have been misrepresentations of ECOWAS decisions or actions in restoring democracy in Niger Republic.

He stated that the ECOWAS will employ all measures including the use of standby force to restore civil rule in Niger Republic.

Also, Touray noted that Niger Republic as part of the West African region bloc subscribed to its rules and regulations to deploy measures to support its fight against terrorism to ensure the restoration of democracy, peace, and security in the community.

The President noted that preparations are on top gear to deploy the standby force to Niger, urging the Niger junta to listen to ECOWAS as it will not accept coup d’etat.

Touray stated that ECOWAS will not allow Nigeriens suffer in the hands of Niger junta.


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