Market Link

logo1[1]The concept for market link came about from a realization that there is a huge gap between consumers and the providers of services and goods. Retailers are typically limited to 60 – 120 second slots to tell consumers about their products and services. There are even fewer platforms for consumers to give honest and unbiased feedback to the people providing the services and products they use. This gap between customers and retailers can adversely affect consumer confidence and businesses.

Market Link is a platform for providers of services and goods to meet with their customers on a stimulating media platform and conducive environment. This program gives diverse businesses an opportunity beyond the 60 – 120 second commercial/advert to tell consumers about their background, how their businesses have developed and the goods or services they provide. There will also be segments for customers to give feedback on services and products they use as well as those they would like to be available.

Market link utilizes television, radio and web-based platforms to link up retailers and their customers. Market link comprises a 15 minute TV SHOW that will be aired on GRTS weekly at prime time on Saturday evenings. This show is designed to showcase products and services to the general public for easy access and weekly up to date information. On Market link weekly we will be interviewing the producers and suppliers of goods and services, exploring the various products available for the consumers. The show will also be streamed on Afrinitytv’s YouTube Channel, our website and other social media platforms with a special target on business communities in The Gambia and around the world.

This businesses show where producers meet consumers comes your way every week on GRTS and other online media platforms


  •  Discover, nurture and promote new businesses
  • Promote and add value to the leading goods and services companies in The Gambia.
  • Provide measurable enthusiasm for the general public about business in the Smiling Coast of Africa.
  • Provide great content at great value for brand sponsorship and advertising.


  • Market Link will be broadcast on The Gambia’s premier TV Station GRTS locally and across the whole world via satellite, every Saturday primetime 9.35pm-9.50pm just before the news.
  • Repeat Broadcast on Afrinitytv’s YouTube Channel, our website and other social media platforms with a special target on business communities in The Gambia and around the world.

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