First Lady Interacts with Women in the Media Sierra Leone

Her Excellency the First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio has held an interactive meeting with the National Executive of Women in the Media Sierra Leone (WIMSAL) at her Goderich Office in Freetown on Tuesday 8th August 2023.
Addressing Her Excellency, the WIMSAL President Mrs. Eastina Taylor expressed appreciation to the First Lady for her outstanding role in the fight against child marriage, sexual and gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and all forms of abuses against women and girls in the country.
She noted that their visit was a mission to formally commit their willingness to always collaborate with and complement initiatives undertaken by the First Lady to tackle all forms of abuses against women and girls in the country.
Mrs. Taylor appreciated Her Excellency for her uncompromising stance in promoting, defending and protecting women and girls in the country and for introducing the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign, which according to her, has transformed the lives of many Sierra Leonean children.
She used the forum as an opportunity to invite the First Lady to serve as an Associate Member of WIMSAL, owing to the fact that the First Lady has a background in Journalism and has been a strong advocate for gender issues.
In her response, Her Excellency the First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio congratulated the newly elected WIMSAL Executive and wished them well in their tenure and endeavors.
She First Lady expressed interest in supporting higher educational pursuit of female journalists and in ensuring a befitting office space is provided for the association, an appeal made by the WMSAL President.
The First Lady noted that it’s a sign of relief that women are coming together to pursue a single agenda to make Sierra Leone safe for women and girls.
She challenged the female journalists to always stand for what is right even if it’s not a popular position to take.
Dr. Bio assured her guests of her willingness to partner with WIMSAL in causes to protect women and girls in the country.