President Bio Leads Sierra Leone’s Accountability Drive: Ministers Sign Performance Contracts for National Progress


Madam McCarthy expressed appreciation for the government’s initiative in implementing mechanisms like the ministerial performance contracts to ensure accountability among duty-bearers. She emphasized civil society’s commitment to ongoing dialogue with the government to address the welfare and needs of Sierra Leone’s people.


Looking ahead to 2024, she acknowledged the increasing participation of women and young women in signing these contracts, extending her well wishes for their success in their endeavors.


Chief Minister Dr. David Moinina Sengeh shared his sense of responsibility and optimism following the signing of the ministerial performance contracts for 2024. He highlighted the careful formulation of each contract with ambitious yet realistic goals, closely aligned with the government’s overarching strategies such as the Big Five Game-changers and the Medium-Term National Development Plan for 2024–2030.


Dr. Sengeh underscored the importance of these contracts in guiding the functions of ministries, departments, and agencies, emphasizing a unified government approach toward achieving shared end-of-year objectives.


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In a significant ceremony held at the State House in Freetown on Friday, April 12, 2024, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio oversaw the signing of Performance Contracts, marking a pivotal commitment between himself and cabinet ministers. These contracts signify a dedication to fulfill the promises outlined in the government’s manifesto, representing the collective vision of leadership, and serving as a roadmap for progress.


President Bio extended a warm welcome to attendees, including representatives from the Cabinet Secretariat, civil society, and international partners, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in realizing the government’s agenda. He underscored the solemn nature of the signing ceremony, aligning it with his sworn duty to uphold democracy and ensure the welfare of Sierra Leonean citizens.


“The signing of the Ministerial Performance Contract underscores our commitment to transparency, accountability, and excellence in governance,” President Bio remarked. “As public servants, we are entrusted with the responsibility of delivering tangible benefits to the people of Sierra Leone. This contract serves as a vital tool for measuring our performance and maintaining accountability to our constituents.”


President Bio highlighted the significance of setting clear objectives and strategies within the contract framework, emphasizing the need for accountability and efficient resource management. He stressed the importance of executive accountability in fostering a thriving democracy and reiterated his administration’s commitment to excellence in service delivery.


Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the continuation of a process initiated by President Bio in 2019. He emphasized the President’s dedication to fulfilling the social contract with the people of Sierra Leone and delivering on promises made during the electoral campaign.


Representing civil society, Mrs. Rosaline McCarthy expressed gratitude for the government’s inclusive approach and recognized the significance of their involvement in the ceremony. She acknowledged the government’s acknowledgment of civil society as valuable partners in fostering transparency and accountability.


The signing of Performance Contracts represents a significant step towards fulfilling the government’s mandate and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency in Sierra Leonean governance.

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