President Bio Pledges Inclusive Future as Sierra Leone Embarks on Crucial Constitutional Review Process

President Julius Maada Bio delivered a notable speech at the Special Presidential DEPAC Meeting on Thursday to discuss the ongoing Constitutional Review Process.

The meeting took place in Freetown on April 11th, 2024, and was attended by a range of prominent figures, including the Vice President, the Acting Chief Justice, cabinet members, ambassadors, development partners, and other distinguished guests.

In his speech, President Bio emphasized the importance of the Constitutional Review Process, describing it as a long-term, collective effort aimed at reshaping Sierra Leone’s future. He stated that this process is not merely about updating legal documents but is a transformative journey that must align with the nation’s evolving values and aspirations.

Reflecting on Sierra Leone’s progress since the adoption of the current Constitution, President Bio acknowledged the need for a comprehensive review to address any shortcomings and adapt to the changing needs of society.

President Bio reaffirmed his commitment to completing the Constitutional Review Process, a promise he made during his presidential campaign in 2018. He noted that the process began as a response to the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) after the civil war, emphasizing his administration’s dedication to this effort.

He highlighted the progress made in the Review Process, including the release of a White Paper in 2022 that accepted numerous recommendations from the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC). These recommendations will soon be presented to Parliament as constitutional amendments.

President Bio also mentioned various reforms and laws already introduced as part of the Review Process, such as changes in media laws, the abolition of the death penalty, land law reforms, and efforts to promote education and gender equality.

Looking ahead, President Bio outlined the next steps in the Review Process, stressing the importance of inclusive participation and public engagement. He called for national ownership of the process and collaboration among all stakeholders.

In closing, President Bio urged everyone involved to carry out their responsibilities with dedication, integrity, and patriotism, noting the lasting impact their decisions will have on Sierra Leone’s future. He expressed his vision for creating a legal legacy that supports the country’s democratic growth and prosperity.

As Sierra Leone begins this crucial phase of the Constitutional Review Process, President Bio called upon the blessings of God and urged all citizens to unite in building a stronger, more prosperous nation that fulfills the aspirations of its people.

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