Fatou S. Bojang is one of Gambia’s favorite Actresses.

Afrinity Production draw cognizance to Fatou S. Bojang, a 38 year-old Gambian actress currently working with the National Accreditation & Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA) as an Accounts Officer. She is an Accountant by profession and on top of that, a part-time Actor.
Fatou is one of the most talented actors in the Gambia, isn’t she? Apart from that, she comes from a very humble background and well known for her Mandinka movie role in AISHA where she caught everyones attention.
She was born and raised in Sukuta, West Coast Region. She did both her primary and junior
secondary education in Sukuta. For high school, she proceeded to Nusrat Senior Secondary School after which she went to Management Development Institute (MDI) to enroll in a Professional Accountancy Course call Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). The Actress also did a short-term training programme in Financial Accounting in India.
The Actress had a classic story that defines the phrase ‘motivat and rise above all odds’. In her teen years, she was living in a circle of motivation and she was very happy and there was something charming about her passion for change.
Fatou is into acting because of her passionate for it, even though the Gambia movie industry is “working-in-progress” and one can’t entirely rely on it. Despite that struggle, she can’t let go as she is so much in love with acting.
What inspired was her is a friend and was during her younger age. “He lost his mother at a very tender age and he was staying with his stepmother. The kind of mistreatment this boy went through was unbearable. As young as he was, he was doing all the domestic chores in that house. Despite his half siblings being there, they do nothing. He was subjected to all kinds of insults and harassments. Sometimes, he goes to school barefooted with no lunch or money. To cut it short, he went through hell. If I still recall what this friend of mine went through, I always cry. The saddest thing was, after all that he was subjected to, he didn’t survive it, so he passed away.”
“From that point on, I was inspired to act to bring out the different roles in educating others out there who are doing the same thing and to make a difference in whatever small or big way I can contribute”. She said.
When asked why acting, she said acting is something she love doing and that where her passionate comes from. Besides that, she draw attention on the important roleactors in our societt as they educate, entertain and above all, inform on how, when and what do in different situations.”Actors put into visual, real-life stories and experiences that society can actually learn from and at the same time getting entertained”, she elaborated.
“The saddest thing is, in The Gambia most people see us (Actors) as jokers or clowns and they do not take us seriously like our neighbouring countries do. We are not viewed in high regards as citizens who have the potential to contribute to the development of the country socially and economically. So far, what is keeping us going in the film sector in The Gambia is the passion/love for the art itself and nothing more, as it’s not paying enough at all.”
“For the wider world, most people tend to judge you based on the roles you play as an actor
instead. When you feature as a prostitute, a drunkard, an arm robber, heartless or cruel person, most people think that is your true nature not knowing that you are just trying to
perform a role that you were given to play”, she lamented.
Fatou looks up to the following people;
Malafi Manneh of Bolong Daala Drama and Cultural Troupe for being a person at his age, still able to dance, sing and his role interpretation is just amazing.And for being there for so many years, showing so much love for the industry.
Jennifer Lynn Lopez or J.Lo of Hollywood, for her comportment, fashion and role interpretation.
Monica Davies, who is also her best friend and also for being an outstanding actress and does her work to expectation. Furthermore, they have been friends for more than a decade now and all that she had shown me is love, care and sisterhood. “I commend her for always being there for me. She is one person I can say openly that we are very close,” she said.
Her professional goal is to boost and place the Gambia movie industry to the limelight through lots of collaborations with outside countries to create that market for the Gambian content in the wider world. Also capacity building in
forms of seminars, training workshops, etc. to enhance the Gambian Cinema to be able to create jobs for the youth.
By Amie T. Camara