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Fishmongers and fishermen cry over shortage of fish and low catch in tanji

Fishmongers at Tanji Fish Landing Site in Kombo South District have denounce the current scarcity of fish at the landing site due to what they alleged as a low catch experienced by the fishing vessels.
Fishmongers state that the scarcity of fish at the site has been existing for weeks now and this has had a great influence on the price of fish. this has upped the price.
one of the vendors describe the situation as difficult.
Mariama a fishmonger for 10 years says that before one could get a basket of “kobo, Challow and Morok” for D500, D800, but now has increased to D1500, D1600, to D1700. She added that “Sunpart, lady fish etc are no go areas for low income people like her. Ahalf basket could be sold from D200 to D4000.
Abubacarr Touray a fisherman said, “The only problem that may cause fish shortage could be mainly due to high number of fishing vessels that are fishing daily in our waters and causing noise. What these fishes dislike is the continuous noise of machines of the vessels. So I think it is important that government regulates the number of vessels in our waters in order to save our fish stock,” he suggested.
Mam Jabang, a Fisheries official stationed at Tanjai Fish Landing Site said most of the fishing vessels fishing in our waters are non-Gambian vessels.
She said it’s hard to control and know the number of vessels fishing in our waters.