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Nigerians in Diaspora Award (NIDA) Appreciation

October 28, 2023 will be remembered in Malawi as the day friendship and good neighborliness between nations and its citizens was at its most glorious and best; by God’s grace.
First, I thank God Almighty for making the evening a resounding success; to Him be all the glory.
That magic happened because you showed up to grace the occasion of the second edition of the Nigerians in Diaspora Award (NIDA) Event.
Your presence gave color and character to the program.
In true love, you made input that made impact on all present.
For this, kindly accept my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the great contribution you made towards the success of that historic evening.

I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend the evening.
It shows how much you value the relationship between our nations.
To my fellow Nigerians, your demonstration of the beautiful vibes that make the TRUE and POSITIVE Nigerian spirit, is evidence of the real Patriot in you.
I appreciate you so much and I thank you immensely for your dedication to the Nigerian cause in Malawi.

To the media, I say you were simply fabulous in your coverage; and what’s more exciting, you were personally involved and fully engaged in the life of the event.
I thank you so much.

At the BACK-END, you discharged your role in a seamless manner; and the success of the evening cannot be told without giving you a special mention. You were simply wonderful.
I appreciate you.
May God continue keep you, bless you and your family
On behalf of the entire team we are grateful.
Wilfred U. Adams
Founder NIDA

Subsidy: NLC kicks as court stops strike, police warn hoodlums

The Nigeria Labour Congress has kicked against a court order secured by the Federal Government restraining the union and the Trade Union Congress from embarking on a planned nationwide strike over the removal of fuel subsidy.

The NLC President, Joe Ajaero, in an interview with one of our correspondents, said the strike would go on Wednesday as planned, noting that the labour centre was not aware of the court order stopping the industrial action.

Justice O. Y. Anuwe of the National Industrial Court handed down the order against the NLC and TUC 48 hours before the commencement of the industrial action as the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba met with police managers in Abuja where he ordered them to carry out effective deployments to prevent hoodlums from hijacking the protests.

Speaking to The PUNCH while taking a break during a meeting with government officials at the Presidential Villa on Monday, Ajaero said, “The industrial court order came late after the close of business today. So the NLC is not aware of it and it is not even mentioned in the meeting. By tomorrow (today), they won’t find anybody at the NLC office to serve it to because, by then, we will all be on the field mobilising for the strike.”

The NLC had told The PUNCH earlier on Monday that the strike action would be for an indefinite period.

Responding to a question on the duration of the strike, the National Treasurer of NLC, Akeem Hambali simply said, ‘’It is indefinite for now.”

Asked whether there was a plan to shelve the action, he said, “Strike will commence on Wednesday except otherwise directed by the National Executive Council.”

But in a last-ditch move to avert the strike, the government again called for a meeting with the NLC leaders at the Presidential Villa. The meeting was still ongoing as of the time of filing this report.

The government representatives had on Wednesday last week met both the NLC and Trade Union Congress leaders, but the meeting ended in a deadlock.

The NLC was however absent from the meeting the government held with the labour leaders on Sunday.

But the FG on Monday obtained a court order stopping the strike. In the suit filed by the FG, the court held that the industrial action, “if not circumvented’’ is capable of disrupting economic activities and essential sectors from carrying out vital functions.

Justice Anuwe specifically barred the NLC and the TUC from “embarking on the planned industrial action/or strike of any nature, pending the determination of the motion on notice dated 5th June 2023.”

It equally ordered that the two labour centres listed as defendants/respondents in the matter should be “immediately served with the originating processes in the suit, the motion on notice, as well as the interim order.

The FG had in the suit marked: NICN/ABJ/158/2023, which it filed through the Federal Ministry of Justice, applied for an order of interim injunction restraining the two unions, their members, agents, employees, workmen, servants, proxies or affiliates from embarking on the planned industrial action which was to commence on Wednesday.

Lawyer to the FG and Director, Civil Litigation, Ministry of Justice, Mrs Maimuna Shiru, maintained that the proposed strike action was capable of disrupting economic activities, and the health and educational sectors.

The government tendered exhibits FGN 1, 2, and 3, which were notices from the NLC, TUC, and the Nigerian Union of Journalists to their members, asking them to withdraw their services with effect from Wednesday, June 7.

The court held that it was empowered and clothed by section 7(b) of the NIC Act, 2006, with the exclusive jurisdiction in matters relating to ‘the grant of any order to restrain any person or body from taking part in any strike, lockout or any industrial action or any conduct in contemplation or in furtherance of strike, lockout or industrial action.’’

It held that sections 16 and 19(a) of the NIC Act 2006, also empowered it to grant urgent interim reliefs.

The court held that the affidavit of urgency as well as the submission of the FG’s lawyer revealed “a scenario that may gravely affect the larger society and the well-being of the nation at large.”

Anuwe stated, “Counsel has pointed out that students of secondary schools nationwide, especially those writing WAEC exams nationwide, will be affected. The tertiary institutions that have only just resumed after a long ASUU strike will also be affected, not leaving the health sector, amongst other sectors, and above all, the economy of the nation. In my view, this is a situation of extreme urgency that will require the intervention of this court.”

He subsequently fixed June 19 for the hearing in the suit.

Aviation, bank workers

Meanwhile, aviation and bank workers’ unions have directed their members to join the strike which is expected to ground airport operations and banking activities at all financial institutions nationwide.

Aviation workers under the aegis of the National Union of Air Transport Employees, the Association of Nigeria Aviation Professionals, and the National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers on Monday announced the planned withdrawal of services as directed by the NLC.

In a notice issued on June 5, the three unions said they would be joining their counterparts in other sectors to embark on a total withdrawal of service from 12 am Wednesday.

It directed all members of the unions to comply with the directive.

The notice signed by the General Secretary of NUATE, Ocheme Aba, the Secretary General of ANAP, Abdul Saidu, and the Deputy General Secretary of NAAPE, Umoh Ofonime, called on all branches, state councils, and zonal councils of the unions to mobilize their members in preparation for the strike.

The notice read, ”The National Executive Council of Nigerian Labour Congress met on Friday 2nd of June, 2023, and decided that Congress will embark on a nationwide mobilisation and withdrawal of services against the fraudulent increase in the pump price of petrol.

“Further to the NLC directive, all branches, state councils, and zonal councils of all the unions in the aviation industry are hereby directed to mobilize all their members in preparation for a total withdrawal of service from 12 am of Wednesday 7th June 2023.

“All the leadership of the unions mentioned above is to ensure strict compliance with the directives as services in the public and private sectors are to be withdrawn. Please ensure strict compliance.”

However, the President of the Air Transport Services Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, Ilitrus Ahmad, disclosed that his union would not withdraw its services as they are not an affiliate of the NLC.

In solidarity with the NLC, the National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institution Employees, has disclosed that they would participate in the strike.

According to a statement signed by NUBIFIE General Secretary, Mohammed Sheikh, on Monday, the decision was in line with the resolution reached after the emergency meeting of the NLC last Friday.

“In this regard, we hereby direct all our zonal councils, domestic committee, and other organs of the union to ensure total compliance with the congress directive,” the statement said.

However, the President of the Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions, Mr Oluwole Olusoji, said ASSBIFI was waiting for directives from the TUC to determine its next move.

Meanwhile, the TUC through its General Secretary, Nuhu Toro, disclosed that it would again hold a meeting with the government team on Tuesday evening in furtherance of the discussions on the impact of the fuel subsidy removal held at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Sunday.

During the meeting, the congress presented a charter of demands, including a demand for a review of the minimum wage to N200,000 and tax breaks for workers.

In response, the FG’s team promised to deliver the demands to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for review.

In a move to prevent the planned strike and protests from being hijacked by hoodlums, the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba met with police managers in Abuja on Tuesday where he ordered them to carry out effective deployments to forestall any breakdown of law and order across the country.

Alkali-Baba said, “Regardless of the quantum of achievements recorded within the period under review and the successful democratic transitioning that happened on the 29th of May, 2023, there still remains prevailing and projected threats across the country, including the aftermath of the fuel subsidy removal with the emerging threat of industrial strike action.

“Consequently, we shall not rest on our oars. Rather, we must redouble our efforts to maintain the needed peace and stability of our democracy. This is critically important as we also prepare for the nation’s Democracy Day on June 12.

“In so doing, I charge you all to remain focused while monitoring the election tribunals and the proposed industrial actions across the country. You must develop proactive crime management mechanisms to forestall any untoward acts from political and non-political actors.”

In compliance with the IG’s directive, many state commands have deployed police operatives across their jurisdictions to ensure public safety during the strike and protest.

The Police Public Relations Officer in Nasarawa State, DSP Ramhan Nansel, said the command had deployed its personnel in 13 local government areas of the state to forestall any breakdown of law and order during the protest.

“Measures have been put in place to that effect,” he added.

The Bayelsa State Police Command equally assured that it had put in place measures to prevent a breakdown of law and order.

The spokesman for the command, Asinim Butswat, stated, “We have deployed adequate policemen to ensure there is no breach of the peace.”

In a related development, petrol marketers and transporters on Monday distanced themselves from the industrial action declared by the NLC.

Members of the Petroleum Products Retail Outlets Owners Association of Nigeria, National Association of Road Transport Owners and Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria, among others, also stressed that the over N13tn spent on subsidy by the Federal Government would have been deployed to develop other sectors of the economy.

They insisted that the government, through the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, had run out of funds to sustain the fuel subsidy regime, highlighting the over N2.8tn subsidy debt that the federation currently owes the NNPCL.

The Group Chief Executive Officer of the NNPCL, Mele Kyari, recently said the Federal Government still owed the company N2.8tn that it had spent on petrol subsidy.

The oil marketers and transporters told one of our correspondents that the planned industrial action by the NLC would not address the situation, but would further worsen the hardship in the country.

They stated that if fuel subsidy continues, the country’s petrol subsidy spending is going to rise to about N20tn when the projected N6tn that is meant to be spent on subsidy in 2023 is added to the N13tn already consumed by the subsidy regime between 2005 and 2021.

The President of the Petroleum Products Retail Outlets Owners Association of Nigeria, Billy Gillis-Harry, said those agitating for the continuation of subsidy must understand that the country had spent over N13tn in subsidising petrol, at the detriment of key sectors of the economy.

He said the labour congress should give room for dialogue, stressing that oil marketers would not shut their filling stations as the NLC embarks on its nationwide industrial action.

Gillis-Harry stated, “PETROAN’s position is that the NLC should be patient and exhaust all the possibilities of reasonable discussion. This is because, at the end of the day, Nigerians are the ones to suffer, as they are already suffering.

“Subsidy removal is a very difficult and hard decision, but it must be made and PETROAN supports that. Can you imagine spending N13tn on subsidies for about 16 years? Do you know what that amount of money would have accomplished for the country in terms of infrastructure, health, education, etc?’’

He said the discussion between the Federal Government and NLC should go ahead, adding that stakeholders in the downstream sector were also trying to get the government to sit down with oil marketers and come to an agreement on what to do.

Gillis-Harry said every player in the sector, including labour unions, “should be looking for solutions, not anybody threatening anybody. That is my take issue.”

Asked whether some oil marketers might be tempted to join in the strike, the PETROAN president replied in the negative, adding that such actions would further worsen the plights of Nigerians.

“So, as a responsible association of businessmen, we do not intend to join in the fray to cause more problems and hardship for Nigeria. We are not joining the strike. That’s our take,” the PETROAN president stated.

Also speaking on the issue, the President of the National Association of Road Transport Owners, Yusuf Othman, said NARTO endorsed the immediate halt in the payment of subsidy on petrol by President Tinubu during his inaugural address.

“For us, we support the full deregulation of the downstream oil sector, and of course, we expect that some palliative should be in place. But now that subsidy is gone, the palliative can be put in place.’’

He also urged Nigerians to exercise patience with the Federal Government as regards the removal of the subsidy, adding that the subsidy regime only benefitted and enriched very few persons.

“We expect that Nigerians should wait for what the government has on the table for us because sincerely speaking there are very few beneficiaries of the subsidy regime as against the majority of Nigerians,” Yusuf stated.

In the meantime, the Ogun, and Sokoto NLC chapters have backed the strike action just as the Kwara State government reduced work hours.

The chairman of the union in Ogun State, Hammed Ademola said they have mobilized the workers in the state ahead of the strike.

Also, his Sokoto State counterpart, Abdullahi Jungle, confirmed that workers in the state would be part of the strike action.

“We are definitely joining the strike as directed by the national leadership of the union and Sokoto State will not be an exception,” he added.

As part of moves to ease the burden of workers in the state as a result of the fuel subsidy removal, the Kwara State government on Monday approved a temporary palliative measure, including reducing work hours.

The State Head of Service, Mrs Susan Oluwole announced on Monday that Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq has directed that the work days be reduced from five days to three days per week.

Oluwole in a statement signed by Murtala Atoyebi, Chief Press Secretary in the office of the head of Service directed all Heads of Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the state to immediately work out a format indicating the alternating work days for each worker under them.

The Head of Service however warned the workers not to abuse the magnanimity of the governor, stressing that the regular monitoring of MDAs by her office would be intensified to ensure strict compliance with the directive.

“Civil servants will now work for three days in Kwara State, as against the current five days. Civil service authorities are expected to release further guidance on the measure, including how it affects health workers and teachers,’’ the statement said.

The governor also met with labour leaders in the state where he appealed to shelve the strike, noting that the removal of the fuel subsidy was done in good faith to curb further damage to the economy.

credit to: Punch News paper

Another Mind Blowing Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 Film Set to be premiered on the 5th March 2021

She has something that’s hidden!!!

Do you care to know how DARK is her SECRET and also the reasons for her unpleasant misfortune ? Fo

Findut the reason why every man she marries died.

This movie featured Sierra Leone best Actors with the likes of T.J Cole , Zainab Silliah(Gina), Alihaji Musa Okeyan & Theresa Missah Boima amongst others.

This movie is set to be premiered @Hotel Conteh “U” Makeni City.

A story from Star Movie LTD as written & Directed by S.L prolific award winning Director *Elijah Musa Deen*

Nigerian Navy Take Into Custody 10 Pirates Who bombarded Chinese Vessel

The Nigerian Navy has taken into custody 10 pirates who were reported to have bombarded a Chinese Vessel, MV Hailufang (II).

This was make known in a statement issued by the Commander NNS BEECROFT, Commodore IA Shettima, on Monday.

As said by Shettima, the vessel was bombarded on May 15 by pirates of the coast of Cote de Vore.

Subsequently, they took control of the vessel which had 18 crew members consisting of Chinese, Ghanaians and Ivorians, and directed it towards Nigerian Waters.

“The Nigerian Navy was alerted of the pirate attack and immediately, the Nigerian Navy Ship NGURU was dispatched to intercept the vessel.

“On interception of the vessel at about 140nm south of Lagos Fairway Buoy, the pirates refused to comply to the orders of the Navy Ship, hence the Nigerian Navy had to conduct an opposed boarding of the vessel. All ship crew were safely rescued, while the 10 pirates were arrested,” the NNS Commander stated.

He added that it is relevant to note that the last five known or documented pirate bombards were outside of Nigerian waters, of which the Nigerian Navy has responded in the interest of Regional Security.

“This is aptly captured in the NN Total Spectrum Maritime Strategy ‘which covers Nigeria’s outermost maritime area of interest, encompassing the entire West African waters and the GoG,” Shettima said.

Meanwhile, he used the opportunity to alert the criminal elements that take part in any acts of maritime crime within the Gulf of Guinea to desist, noting that the Nigerian Navy has the capability and will power to deal with such offenders.

Source____Channels TV

265 Nigerians To Reach Lagos From Dubai Today– Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has said 265 Nigerians will reach in Lagos from Dubai on Wednesday amidst the coronavirus outbreak

In a breifing on Tuesday, ministry spokesperson, Ferdinand Nwonye, said the Emirates Airlines assigned with the transport is put forward to arrive at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos.

Over 4,000 Nigerians are waiting to be vacated across the world back home, foreign affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama said on Monday.

“Discussions are also ongoing with British Airways to evacuate 300 Nigerians from London on Friday.”

To add more, arrangements are being made with Ethiopian airlines to evict Nigerians from New York to Abuja next Monday, the foreign ministry said.

The ministry added that the Dubai vacated are being carried out in line with the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) guidelines.

Evacuees will be put to undergo a obligatory 14-day handled quarantine environment.

The ministry said it has put in place hotel for accommodations in Lagos and Abuja, which will be used to quarantine the incoming citizens.

The hotels have been inspected by the “Port Health Services, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Office of the National Security Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IPC,” the foreign ministry said.

Source___Channels TV

Lagos RecordsThree More Deaths, 22 Recoveries

The Lagos State Government has records three COVID-19 deaths, saying that 22 persons have been taking from the isolation centres in the state.

In a number of tweet on Sunday, the Ministry of Health said the state had now confirmed a total of 28 COVID-19 deaths and discharged 247 patients who had recovered from the pandemic.

62 new cases of COVID19 Infection recorded. Total recorded cases in Lagos now 1,084. In which 22 of the patients were discharged. Toll of discharged rose to 247.

Meanwhile, Nigeria Records 170 New Cases, Total Infections Now 2,558

Source___Channels TV

19 year arrested for fraud in nigeria

A 19-year-old secondary school leaver, Chigemezu Arikibe, has been tracked down by the police after using fake social media accounts to swindle a Cambodian woman to the tune of $75,000 (N27m at N360 to 1$).

To woo his victim identified simply as Sophanmia, Arikibe reportedly paraded himself on Facebook and Instagram as an American pilot working for a British airline.

City Round gathered that after establishing a relationship with the woman, Arikibe offered to send her expensive gift items and $500,000, for investment in real estate business in Cambodia.

The suspect reportedly told Sophanmia that he would send the parcel to her through a courier in Indonesia and asked her to send $800 for the service.

He was said to have contacted his friend in Indonesia to act as a courier agent and collect the money from his victim.

After sending the money, Arikibe came up with excuses why the parcel could not be delivered and persuaded the woman to send more money accumulating into $75,000.

It was learnt the woman alerted the Nigeria Embassy in Cambodia when she discovered that “the American pilot,” communicating with her was calling from Nigeria and not the United States.

The embassy was said to have alerted the Nigeria Police and operatives of the Inspector-General of Police Intelligence Response Team led by DCP Abba Kyari went after Arikibe.

A police source told our correspondent that the suspect was trailed to the Mbaitoli area of Imo State where he is based.

“The suspect was arrested with the SIM card and the phone he used in committing the crime and when we went through the phone, we saw chats between him and the woman.

“Upon interrogation, the suspect confessed to everything and he also said there was a man in Indonesia who helped him pulled out the money from a USA bank account.  He claimed to be an American and that was why he gave the woman an American bank account. The worst was that the woman went and borrowed the money from the bank,” the source stated.

Arikibe, while confessing to the crime, said he learnt Internet fraud from his friend within one week and he started on his own.

He said, “I attended Community School, in the Eziooha area of Mbaitoli and graduated in October 2018. It was Ugochukwu my friend who taught me how to do Internet fraud. I opened a fake Fakebook account with the name Frank William and on Instagram I was Patrick William

“I uploaded the pictures of an American pilot on my fake Fakebook and Instagram pages. The pilot later discovered that I used his pictures and he started complaining. He even said he had been arrested three times by the police.

“My Facebook account was later blocked, then I focused on Instagram, where I met the client (Sophanmia). I followed her and we started chatting. I told her I am a pilot and we started discussing about life.

“I told her I wanted to send expensive clothes, shoes, wrist watches and the sum of $500,000 to her. I told her that the $500,000 would be invested in real estate business.”

READ ALSO: Hotel attendant stabs guest to death over N1,200

The teenager explained that he sent pictures of the purported items and the money to the victim which convinced her to send money for the courier service.

He added, “I told her that I have sent the money through a courier company and she would have to pay customs tax. My friend in Indonesia acted like the courier company and they contacted her.

“She was given the first bill of $800 and she paid. My Indonesian friend called the woman again and told her that the goods had been seized and they told her to pay $2,700.

“She paid the money and they asked her to pay another money which was $6,200. She paid several other monies to have the goods released. She ended up paying $75,000 and I got my share.”

Calls for calm as Nigerians react to coronavirus case

News of the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Nigeria has prompted fierce debate on social media, with #CoronavirusNigeria now the top Twitter trend across the country.

Nigerian authorities have urged the public to remain calm.

But some people say they fear the country, which is already battling an outbreak of Lassa fever, may struggle to cope if coronavirus spreads:

Wale Adetona


Our hygiene is bad, especially in Lagos. If this virus spreads, we are doomed. We need the same energy we used in defeating the Ebola virus. Lord help my country people to all play our parts.

M E S S I 🐐 @badniggafela

The federal government of Nigeria needs to be heavily slapped for this mess they are trying to put us in

Y’all know our health sector is a mess and we not fully prepared to handle these kinda outbreaks

Yet we allow people come in from affected countries

Others say that the quick response of health authorities to the 2014 Ebola outbreak is proof the country will be able to contain the threat:

ۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗ ۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗ Tópé Fábùsólá ❁ @TopeFabusola

Remember when Ebola entered Nigeria?

People cried about how it’s over for us.

We would all be dead. No one can contain it. Our government doesn’t care. Our people are gullible.

But guess what, we’re still here.


Rìnsólá of Gbagura @RinsolaAbiola

Have some more faith in your country, guys. We did contain ebola.

I’m hopeful that we’ll contain this too, and not at such a heavy cost, God willing.

LASG, we’re all counting on you.

Nigerians are also encouraging each other to take basic preventive measures to protect themselves, such as washing one’s hands


That’s one of the key steps recommended by the World Health Organization

. Here’s their full list:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
  • Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

Nigeria is the first country in sub-Saharan to record a positive case of coronavirus, after authorities confirmed an Italian citizen who flew into Lagos from Milan tested positive for the disease.

Egypt and Algeria have also recorded positive cases.

Nigeria: Death toll from Lassa fever outbreak jumps to 70

The death toll in Nigeria from an outbreak of Lassa fever has risen to 70 as confirmed cases shot up, according to authorities.

The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the Nigerian agency responsible for the management of disease outbreaks, said in its week six update on Thursday that eight new deaths from Lassa fever were reported in three states.

“Four new healthcare workers were affected in Ondo, Delta and Kaduna states,” the NCDC said in the update.

It said the number of suspected cases has “increased significantly” compared with the situation in mid-January, from more than 700 to 1,708.

Confirmed cases have also shot up to 472, it said.

Lassa fever is a disease spread to humans through food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or faeces.

In 80 percent of cases, the fever is asymptomatic, but for some, the symptoms include high fever, headache, mouth ulcers, muscle aches, haemorrhaging under the skin and heart and kidney failure.

It has an incubation period of between six and 21 days and can be transmitted through contact with an infected person via bodily fluids and excretion.

Effective treatment

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the antiviral drug ribavirin appears to be an effective treatment for Lassa fever “if given early on in the course of the clinical illness”.

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation with about 200 million people, has five laboratories with the capability to diagnose the disease.

A health official works in the laboratory extraction room of the Institute of Lassa Fever Research and Control in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital in Irrua, Edo State, midwest Nigeria, on March 6, 2
The number of cases usually climbs in January due to weather conditions during the dry season [Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP]

Lassa fever belongs to the same family as the Ebola and Marburg viruses but is much less deadly.

The disease is endemic to the West African country and its name comes from the town of Lassa in northern Nigeria where it was first identified in 1969.

It infects between 100,000 and 300,000 people in the region every year with about 5,000 deaths, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Previously, cases of the disease have been reported in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo and Benin.

The number of cases usually climbs in January due to weather conditions during the dry season.

Nigeria militants burn to death motorists as they sleep in their cars

Suspected militant Islamists have killed at least 30 people and abducted women and children in a raid in north-eastern Nigeria, officials say.

Most of the victims were travellers who were burnt to death while sleeping in their vehicles during an overnight stop, officials added

The attack took place in Auno town on a major highway in Borno State.

Militant Islamist group Boko Haram and its offshoots have waged a brutal insurgency in Nigeria since 2009.

About 35,000 people have been killed, more than two million have been left homeless and hundreds have been abducted in the conflict.

Nigeria’s government has repeatedly said that the militants have been defeated, but attacks continue.

Borno State governor Babagana Zulum looked visibly shaken when he saw the charred bodies during a visit to Auno following Sunday night’s attack, Nigeria’s privately owned This Day news site reports.

The militants came in trucks mounted with heavy weapons, before killing, burning, and looting, state government spokesman Ahmad Abdurrahman Bundi was quoted by AFP news agency as saying.

The assailants “killed not less than 30 people who are mostly motorists and destroyed 18 vehicles,” the governor’s office said in a statement.

It also confirmed the abduction of women and children, but did not give a number.

Residents said most of the victims were travelling to the state capital, Maiduguri, but were forced to sleep in Auno, about 25km (16 miles) away, because the military had shut the road leading into the city.

The military has not yet commented.

Maiduguri was once the headquarters of Boko Haram, but government forces eventually drove the group out of the city.

It is unclear whether the assault was carried out by Boko Haram or a breakaway faction linked to the Islamic State (IS) group.

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