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First Lady Fatima Maada Bio Honored at CRANS MONTANA Forum for Advocacy Work Supporting Women and Children


On Sunday, at the closing ceremony of the CRANS MONTANA Forum in Brussels, hosted by Ambassador John Paul Carteron, I was honored with an award for my exceptional advocacy work on behalf of women and children worldwide.
The award was presented by the head of the European Commission of Justice and a representative of the UN Secretary General. These distinguished individuals expressed their pleasure in recognizing my efforts to protect our girls and uphold the dignity of African women.
This award is dedicated to all the women in Africa who are enduring emotional, physical, sexual, and domestic abuse. To them, I say: it shall be well.
Credit: First Lady Fatima Maada Bio

Turkish troops killed in Libya civil war

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his country has lost two soldiers killed in Libya where Turkish troops are supporting the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA).

The Libyan government is fighting an insurgency by rebel forces under Gen Khalifa Haftar, based in eastern Libya.

Gen Haftar is backed by Egypt and the UAE, while the UN-backed government is supported by Turkey and its ally Qatar.

“We have two martyrs there in Libya,” President Erdogan is quoted by AFP news agency saying, before leaving for Azerbaijan on an official visit.

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